Does the Philippines Have What It Takes to Prevail Over China?
By Elpidio V. Peria
write-up will not dwell on the political and military capability of the
Philippines over a rising power such as China, but will provide a sketch of the relative legal merits
of the Philippine claims over the Spratlys Island or Kalayaan Island Group, in
the recently-named West Philippine Sea.
The late Prof. Haydee Yorac of the
University of the Philippines College of Law, wrote as early as 1983 in a
Philippine Law Journal article that
Persuasive arguments in favor of
the Philippine claim are the related notions of abandonment, territorium
nullius and effective occupation.
Prof. Yorac explained that the case for abandonment is anchored on the premise that it is Japan, not China, that can be considered to trace their legal title to the islands before World War II, making the earliest categorical claim of sovereign occupation over the islands and actually occupying the islands for a long period of time. The existence of a legal title can also be inferred from the way Japan was made to renounce title to the islands in both the Treaty of Peace with the Allies in 1951 and the Bilateral Treaty of Peace with the Republic of China. Since it was not clear to which country the renunciation was made in favor of, then the islands became what in international law is called as territorium nullius.
Yorac elaborated on this concept of territorium nullius, defining it as
“territory over which there exists no effective sovereignty and which is
therefore, subject to acquisition by occupation”. These may include either
uninhabited islands or even inhabited ones, if those who inhabit the
latter do not constitute a political
when Tomas Cloma, a private citizen, made a declaration in 1956 asserting
ownership by discovery and occupation over the "33 islands, sands cays,
sands bars and coral reefs and fishing grounds in the Spratlies covering an
area of 64,976 square nautical miles”,
he was in effect taking advantage of the nature of the islands as either
abandoned and/or having the status of a territorium nullius.
international law scholars would belittle the Philippine actions and legal
claim as this was only recently affirmed on June 11, 1978, when President
Marcos issued Presidential Decree No. 1596 declaring most19 of the islands,
cays, shaols and reefs as belonging to. the Philippines and forming an integral
part of Philippine territory.
claim came much later, in 1980, when it
issued a new official map which claimed continental shelf encroaching upon a
portion of the Spratly group and part of the Palawan group.
set of legal arguments the Philippines is using to bolster its claim in the
Spratlys is the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea or UNCLOS, to which it is a
signatory and a ratifying country, specifically citing the islands as part of
its Exclusive Economic Zone or EEZ.
Xavier Furtado, a visiting Assistant Professor in International Relations at De La Salle University noted in a 1999 paper two idiosyncratic problems when citing UNCLOS to bolster the Philippine claims. According to him:
one such issue is the definition
of an island. According to UNCLOS, an island can be used to generate an EEZ.
The drafters of the Convention, not
wanting small uninhabitable rocks and occasionally submerged features to be
used as base points, defined an
island as "a naturally-formed area of land, surrounded by water, which is
above water at high
tide". The Convention is careful to
differentiate between legitimate islands and "rocks which cannot sustain human habitation or economic life on their
own". In spite of this clear
definition, some claimants (the Peoples' Republic
of China particular) have used submerged features in the Spratly chain to claim
territorial waters and EEZ.
For example, both the PRC and
the Philippines claim Scarborough Reef which lies some 215 kilometres west of the Philippines. While some features of
the Reef are submerged, others manage to remain above sea level at all times. However, as those features
are unable to generate any sort of economic activity and are uninhabitable,
they cannot be used to claim an EEZ.
In spite of this, the PRC and the Philippines continue to engage in an open confrontation over who has legitimate
control over Scarborough Reef. More
importantly, this has contributed to
further confusion over the definition of an island as outlined in UNCLOS.
problematic aspect of UNCLOS as it relates to the Philippines is the
Convention's provisions on archipelagic states.
Prof. Furtado explains:
Part IV of UNCLOS defines an archipelago as "a group of
islands, including parts of islands, interconnecting waters and other natural features which are so closely
interrelated that such islands, waters and other natural features form an intrinsic geographical,
economic and political entity, or which historically have been regarded as such". UNCLOS affords archipelagic
states, such as the Philippines, specific privileges in terms of drawing baselines for territorial/sovereignty
purposes. Specifically, such states have the right to draw baselines around the
fringes of their outermost
islands. In doing so, archipelagic states are allowed to claim the waters
within these boundaries as sovereign
territory. Having established their periphery, archipelagic states can then
claim their territorial sea
and other maritime spaces as would any other state. As a result, it is possible
that substantial areas of the
ocean (which otherwise would be considered part of the high seas) would come
under the sovereign jurisdiction of a
single state. In the case of the Spratly dispute, the Philippines has benefited
the most from these provisions and, at
various times, has attempted (rightly or wrongly) to use them to justify its
claim to the Kalayaan group.
it has proven very difficult to reconcile UNCLOS with
existing provisions in the Philippine Constitution regarding internal waters. Article 1 of the 1987
Constitution states that "the waters around, between, and connecting the islands of the archipelago, regardless
of their breadth and dimensions, form part of the internal waters of the Philippines". To reinforce
this assertion, the Philippine Government made the following statement: The concept of archipelagic
waters is similar to the concept of internal waters under the Constitution of
the Philippines, and removes
straits connecting these waters with the economic zone or the high sea from the
rights of foreign vessels to transit
passage for international navigation.
On 10 March 2009, President GMA signed into law, RA 9522 or “An Act to Amend Certain Provisions of Republic Act No. 3046, as amended by Republic Act No. 5446, to Define the Archipelagic Baselines of the Philippines, and for Other Purposes”.
The said law was however questioned before the Supreme Court by Profs. Merlin Magallona, and Harry Roque, Akbayan Party-list Rep Rissa Hontiveros and 38 other UP Law students, and among other grounds it asserted, the key point for our discussion from that petition is that RA 9522 has effectively weakened the Philippine claim over the Spratlys or Kalayaan Islands Group as it is called there in such petition, by classifying such islands as a “regime of islands” which means “a group of islands whose ownership is being contested by the Philippines and other claimant countries.” aside from putting these islands effectively outside of the outermost points of the baseline.
Supreme Court, however, has not yet resolved this case, up until now. Perhaps
it may help if the Supreme Court can clarify some of the changes effected by
the new law on the Philippine baselines, whether they are legally valid or not,
as that will determine whether the Philippine claims to the Spratlys will be
helped or not, especially when it involves the interplay of what is in the
Philippine Constitution, which has a provision on the national territory based
on the Treaty of Paris that gives the Philippines a bigger territory than what
is provided for by RA 9522 and interpretation of how far UNCLOS provisions on
archipelagic waters can be implemented within Philippine jurisdiction.
the intricate link of this case to the Philippine claims over the Spratlys, it
is best to await its outcome and then define the subsequent courses of action later.(The author, Atty. Elpidio V. Peria, is a partner at Cartojano Peria & Associates, a full service law firm in the Philippines)
It's already been years of tackling this case and it has not been solved. I hope soon this issue between the Philippines and China vying for rights on Spratly Islands will be solved and Philippines gets the claim.